
What is a Normal Delivery? #8 Tips to Ensure Having One

Are you an expecting mother? Congratulations! It’s time to enter a new phase of your life. While being the most beautiful phase in a woman’s life, pregnancy gives quite stressful yet happy vibes. From when the sperm fertilises with the egg to holding your angel baby in your hands, the phase calls for a lot of effort on the parents’ part.

Want to know the healthiest way of bringing a new gem-like baby on earth? The process is called a ‘Normal Delivery’.

What is a normal delivery?

A normal delivery is the most natural and efficient way of bringing an unborn baby to earth. This is also the most recommended way to give birth as it allows the mother to heal quickly and easily.

Also known as Vaginal birth, a normal delivery continues to remain the number one method of delivery. Yet, a Cesarean section may be required for many reasons in some cases

It all starts when an expecting mother undergoes labour pain. This usually happens between the 37th and 42nd week of pregnancy. The process involves the womb’s well-timed rhythmic contractions to force out the infant. It begins with frequent irregular contractions in the uterus that slowly expand the cervix’s neck. These contractions gently push the baby down the uterus via your pelvis and the vagina when this cervix is fully expanded and opened.

Normal delivery takes place in three phases. Although, for each woman, the length and duration of these phases can differ.

The First Stage of Labour

As an expecting mother, you may undergo contractions in the first stage of labour. However, they are not very painful. Also, the uterus muscles attempt to coordinate well during this time. The phase can vary widely among women. It can last for hours or even days. That’s because, it can take a longer time to make stronger contractions, particularly in first-time mothers. The water bag may split, or you may feel in your undergarments a mucus plug that can be streaked with blood. Over time, the contractions intensify and exert pressure to dilate the cervix.

The cervix dilates from 4 cm to about 10 cm during the active phase. This is when you start to feel more intense pain. It may last for about 3 to 6 hours in first-time moms, and also for subsequent pregnancies for nearly half as long. During this phase, the frequency of pain increases from 3 to 5 minutes and maybe centred in the lower back, abdomen, or thighs. Women will drain their bladders during this period, drink fluids, and practice methods of breathing or relaxation.


Second Stage of Labour

The second stage of labour consists of pushing and giving birth. It takes on an average of one and a half to two hours in first-time mothers. However, it can last for just a few minutes to two hours in subsequent births. The doctor is going to ask you to push and also speed up the contractions. You may feel tired and breathless during this stage. As the baby’s protruding or crowning occurs, intense pain can be felt around the vaginal and anal area. Slowly, the rest of the head will be pushed further, and the body will emerge, leading to a final push that lets the baby out into the world. This is probably the hardest workout you would ever have in life.

Third Stage of Labour

The third or final stage of childbirth includes the placenta being delivered. The baby’s conception is accompanied by the placenta’s removal and is labelled as ‘after birth’. It takes over half an hour. As you may be busy watching and admiring your baby, this stage may go unnoticed. This is accompanied by putting the baby on your breast as it helps to cause uterine contractions and stop bleeding. You’ll feel an overwhelming sense of fatigue by the end of this stage and a few hours of sleep would do your body a lot of good.

Now, let us see the different must-know techniques for a natural delivery.

Tips every to-be-mom should know to have a normal delivery.

1) Keep yourself stress-free

Many women feel overwhelmed during pregnancy. However, that’s quite natural. Yet, try to stay away from unpleasant or nervous circumstances.

2) Be positive throughout pregnancy

You will find several tales where the birth went smoothly, or where there were other complications. But no need to overthink about it all. Acquire awareness about signs of labour pain and the natural phenomenon of childbirth. Read various childbirth blogs and posts. Keep yourself surrounded with positive people, books, movies and food.

3) Believe in your body

While it is often hard to believe that a fully grown baby can be squeezed out of your womb, note that your body was designed to give birth naturally. Since millions of women around the world have done so, you can too.

4) Eat well and exercise properly

Keeping yourself healthy and fit will help you achieve a normal delivery. Go for a walk at least for 30 minutes a day. Have lime water and tender coconut to have a normal delivery.

5) Educate Yourself

Attending childbirth classes is an ideal way to prepare for labour and delivery. They provide you with the information that you lack about the birth process. It will also dissipate your doubts and fears that can take over your body, physically and emotionally; thereby preparing you for the birth process.

6) Have a proper diet

Eat well and have a proper balanced diet. Also, make sure you don’t sleep too much and over-consume. That’s because over-consumption will increase your weight and decrease your chances of normal delivery. Eat foods that fuel you and make you stronger for the months ahead.

7) Practice breathing exercises

To ensure proper development, an adequate supply of oxygen to the baby is essential. You also need to spend some time breathing deeply at work from time to time.

8) Always stay hydrated

Water is essential to your body anyway. But it’s even more critical when you’re pregnant. Water is essential to give you the extra stamina that you need. Consume some fresh fruit juice and energy drinks to satisfy your water needs.

Closing Thoughts

The best way is to always be in touch with your doctor to know the timely growth of your baby. If you are looking for Gynecologists in Delhi, then do visit Dr Sheetal Agarwal as she is a specialized Gynecologist and is well known for Laparoscopic treatments as well. Her 24+ years of experience may prove quite useful to you. Book a consultation and resolve your queries right now.

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