
Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon

Receive Advice from the best laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi.

With Dr Sheetal Agarwal, you can trust the best advice and treatment from the best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi. Allow yourself to be treated by her expertise in laparoscopic gynaecological surgery to ensure your health is in prime condition. As a gynae-laparoscopic surgeon, Dr Agarwal utilises non-invasive procedures to treat or diagnose reproductive health-related issues.

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laparoscopic procedures by a qualified doctor

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Treat gynecologic conditions with suitable laparoscopic procedures by a qualified doctor.

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How is Gynae Laparoscopy Helpful?

The best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi uses this procedure to help in the following ways:

Diagnosing Diseases

Women experiencing any symptoms of infection or diseases in their reproductive organs or region should consult with the best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi is important to make sure the diseases are diagnosed at the earliest

Treatment of Diseases

Treatment of diseases and infections in the reproductive organs like cancers, cysts, fibroids etc can be done through gynae laparoscopy by the best laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi.

Non-invasive Procedures

Gynecologic laparoscopy is a noninvasive technique used to perform various procedures in the reproductive region of a woman which don't require a large incision and has a speedy recovery.

Gynae Laparoscopic Surgeon

Treatment with Laparoscopic Gynaecology Surgery

Certain infections and disease can be successfully diagnosed and treated through the best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi:

  • Procedures like hysterectomy, oophorectomy, endometrial ablation, uterine prolapse, etc. that should only be performed by the best laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi.
  • Diagnosis of conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts or tumours, ectopic pregnancies, painful scar tissues, reproductive cancers etc
  • Laparoscopic gynaecological surgery can be used to Reverse contraceptive surgeries like tube ligation and Vault suspension to treat a prolapsed uterus etc.
  • From one of the best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi, you can not only get diagnosed but also Removal & Treatment of ovarian cysts, fibroids, adhesions, etc.

What is laparoscopic gynecological surgery?

Mostly done to diagnose a woman's reproductive organs through the abdomen, laparoscopic gynecological surgery is performed as a substitute to open surgery. This is because a laparoscopy requires a smaller incision to be made in the abdomen in comparison to an open surgery. Also, it requires a lower recovery time than the latter.

Using this small incision, a laparoscope is inserted into the body. This sleek and lighted device is used to determine the issues that might be troubling you. The issues can be endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic adhesions, reproductive cancers, infertility and more.

Once diagnosed, the issue can be treated by using mini instruments using which further surgeries are done. These surgical treatments can be hysterectomy, tubal ligation, endometrial tissue ablation and vault suspension to name a few. Apart from these, removal of fibroids, cysts, or ovaries are also some of the various surgeries that accompany laparoscopy once issues are diagnosed.

So, are you someone with infertility, pelvic pain or infection and do not know the major cause behind such troubles? If yes, it is highly recommended that you consult the best laparoscopic surgeon and help your health.

In case you are a Delhite, there is a high chance of you being a victim of the bad air and vibe of the city. This has caused lifestyle diseases along with gynecological issues for many women in Delhi. Hence, it is extremely important for you to consult the best laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi and get yourself diagnosed. After all, you too deserve a hale and hearty life with healthy reproductive organs.

What are the risks of a laparoscopic gynecological surgery?

Some rare yet possible risks of laparoscopic gynecological surgery are

  1. Blood clots
  2. Nerve damage
  3. Allergies
  4. Damage to the bladder, bowel or the uterus
  5. Damage to abdominal blood vessels
  6. Urinating issues
  7. Complications caused due to the gas used

However, most of these can be totally avoided by one major precaution taken. That is to have a detailed conversation with the best laparoscopic surgeon you are consulting for the procedure. A proper understanding of the issues can help the surgeon diagnose and treat you better, thus evading all possible complications.

Best laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi

With her experience of the past 24 years, Dr. Sheetal Agarwal, can be called best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi. The positive feedback from her past patients makes this apparent. Her expertise comes from having worked in various reputable hospitals including Apollo Spectra, Safdarjung Hospital, Ganga Ram Hospital, Modi Hospital and Batra Hospital.

In your hunt for the best laparoscopy hospital in Delhi and the best laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Sheetal Agarwal and her clinic would prove to be your apt choice. Don’t just believe these words, hop over to the testimonials given by other happy patients and find it out for yourself. Better still, book a consultation with the best gynae laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi now and judge with your own wits!